Fiat Uno Manual
Interior lamps - bulb renewalElectrical system / Interior lamps - bulb renewal
Courtesy lamp
1 The lamp lenses, whether roof or pillar
mounted, are removed by prising off using a
screwdriver inserted under one end (photo).
20.1 Interior roof lamp withdrawn
2 The festoon type bulb is pulled from its spring contacts.
Instrument panel lamps
3 Remove the instrument panel hood cover
as described in the next Section. The panel
lighting bulbs may be renewed without further
dismantling, but access to the warning and
indicator bulbs can only be obtained if the
instrument panel is partially withdrawn as
described in the next Section (photo).
20.3 Instrument panel warning lamp
4 Pull out the appropriate bulbholder and withdraw the wedge base type bulb.
5 Fit the new bulb, the holder, instrument panel and hood cover.