Fiat Uno Manual

Tailgate - removal and refitting
Bodywork / Tailgate - removal and refitting

1 Open the tailgate and have an assistant support it.

2 From the upper ends of the struts, prise out the locking wedges from the ball cups and disconnect the struts (photo).

14.2 Tailgate strut ball cup
14.2 Tailgate strut ball cup

3 Disconnect the washer tube.

4 Unscrew the hinge mounting bolts from the tailgate and lift the tailgate from the car (photo).

14.4 Tailgate hinge
14.4 Tailgate hinge

5 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but if re-alignment is required, then the rear section of the roof lining will have to be removed and the hinge to body bolts released.

6 Adjust the position of the lock striker to provide smooth positive closure. The rubber buffers should be screwed in or out in conjunction with the adjustment of the striker (photos).

14.6A Tailgate lock
14.6A Tailgate lock

14.6B Tailgate striker
14.6B Tailgate striker

14.6C Tailgate rubber buffer
14.6C Tailgate rubber buffer

7 On some models, a remote control tailgate opening release lever is fitted. Removal and refitting of the cable is similar to that described in Section 8 (photo).

14.7 Tailgate remote control release lever
14.7 Tailgate remote control release lever

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