Fiat Uno Manual

Engine - 903 and 1299/1301 cc
Supplement: Revisions and information on later models / Engine - 903 and 1299/1301 cc

Sump pan sealing strips (903 cc engine) - modification
1 The design of the sealing strips which go between the sump pan and the main bearing caps has been changed. Make sure that the narrower side of the strip fits into the channel in the sump pan.

1299 cc engine - description 2 In April 1984, a 1299 cc engine was introduced, progressively replacing the 1301 cc units used previously. The new engine is identical to the 1301 cc engine described in Chapter 1, with the exception of having a slightly shorter stroke.

3 However, as of approximately September 1987, the 1299 cc unit was phased out, being progressively replaced by the 1301 cc engine used initially.

4 As mentioned above, the two engines are all but identical, so identification of the unit fitted should not be necessary in practice.

Consult a FIAT dealer if in doubt.

Rocker cover (903 cc engine) - removal
5 Before removing the rocker cover, it will be necessary to remove the distributor, first.

Refer to Chapter 4 for more details.

Cylinder head (903 cc engine) - refitting
6 Modified cylinder head bolts are fitted to 903 cc models, from engine number 8581470.

When refitting the cylinder head, tighten each head bolt, as described in Chapter 1, by the torques and angles shown the Specifications in this Chapter.

Fig. 13.1 Correct method of fitting sump pan sealing strip (Sec 4)
Fig. 13.1 Correct method of fitting sump pan sealing strip (Sec 4)

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