Fiat Uno Manual

Carburettor (Solex C30-32 (CIC/1) - servicing and adjustment
Fuel system / Carburettor (Solex C30-32 (CIC/1) - servicing and adjustment

1 The carburettor top cover with float may be removed without the need to withdraw the carburettor from the manifold.

2 The other adjustments described in this Section will require removal of the carburettor.

3 Extract the top cover fixing screws and lift away the top cover with float.

4 Refer to Section 9 paragraphs 4 and 5 for details of removal of the fuel inlet needle valve.

Float adjustment
5 Invert the carburettor cover so that the weight of the floats depresses the ball of the needle valve.

6 Measure the distance between the float and the surface of the cover gasket. This should be between 6.5 and 7.5 mm (0.26 and 0.30 in).

If adjustment is required, change the thickness of the needle valve washer or carefully bend the float arm.

Accelerator pump
7 Refer to Section 10, paragraphs 6 and 7.

The total volume of fuel collected should be between 7.5 and 9.5 cc. If the volume of fuel is incorrect, release the locknut and turn the adjuster screw on the pump lever then re-test the volume ejected.

Fast idle
8 Operate the choke control lever to close the choke valve plate. The gap between the edge of the primary throttle valve plate and the venturi wall should be between 0.90 and 1.00 mm (0.035 and 0.039 in). If adjustment is required, turn the nut on the fast idle rod.

Automatic anti-flooding device 9 The vacuum system of the device can be checked for leaks by applying a vacuum to the drilling in the carburettor throttle valve block. If vacuum cannot be maintained, renew the diaphragm.

Choke valve plate automatic opening
10 Move the choke control lever to fully close the choke valve plate and then press the lean out valve rod. There should now be a gap (X) (Fig. 3.32) between the edge of the choke valve plate and the wall of the carburettor throat of between 4.75 and 5.25 mm (0.187 and 0.207 in).

11 Where adjustment is required, release the locknut and turn the screw on the lean out valve.

Fig. 3.29 Adjusting accelerator pump stroke (Solex C30-32 CIC/1) (Sec 15)
Fig. 3.29 Adjusting accelerator pump stroke (Solex C30-32 CIC/1) (Sec 15)

Fig. 3.30 Fast idle screw on Solex C30-32 CIC/1 (Sec 15)
Fig. 3.30 Fast idle screw on Solex C30-32 CIC/1 (Sec 15)

A Choke control lever B Fast idle adjustment
C Lean out valve

Fig. 3.31 Vacuum drilling for automatic anti-flooding device (Solex C30-32
Fig. 3.31 Vacuum drilling for automatic anti-flooding device (Solex C30-32 CIC/1) (Sec 15)

Fig. 3.32 Choke valve plate setting (Solex C30-32 CIC/1) (Sec 15)
Fig. 3.32 Choke valve plate setting (Solex C30-32 CIC/1) (Sec 15)

X = 4.75 to 5.25 mm (0.187 to 0.207 in)

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